The EOD Monthly Gathering is a series of family-friendly events held one day a month, sponsored by the EOD Warrior Foundation. Our purpose is to bring EOD Techs (past and present) and their families together for food, conversation, and fun!

Find an EOD Monthly Gathering new you by clicking the city’s button above. For more information on a city’s gathering, email the contact listed or visit us on the EOD Monthly Gathering Facebook page.

Niceville, Florida

Niceville, Florida

Ross Bryant -

March 29 – EOD Trivia with former AF EOD Tech Matt Bingaman
April 19 – EOD Concert in partnership with the Intrepid Spirit Center
May 31 –  Cryo 850 Open House followed by a meetup at O’Quigley’s at 5:00 PM
June 28 –  Beach Bash at Postl Point, Eglin AFB
July 26 – Emerald Coast Science Center
August 30 –  Pizza in Crestview @ Task Force Pizza Co.
September 27 – Bowling @ Hurricane Lanes start time 1:00 PM – Please RSVP!
October 31 – Haunted House with Cho
November 22 – Thanksgiving at the Foundation! Thanksgiving meal & crafts for the kids
December 20 –  Santa visits the EOD Warrior Foundation w/ gifts for the kids! RSVP!

Huntsville, Alabama

Huntsville, Alabama

Jessie Barcala -

Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska

Mike Bodner -

Fairbanks, Alaska

Fairbanks, Alaska

Forest Hull -

Luke AFB, Arizona

Luke AFB, Arizona

Steven Webb -

San Diego, California

San Diego, California

Stephanie Haskell -

March 29 – The Garten – 5 PM

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Nathanael LoBosco -

March 29 – Crab Crawl 5 PM

Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii

Aaron Birdwell -

March 9 – Beer Lab HI Beretania – 1 PM

Havre de Grace, Maryland

Havre de Grace, Maryland

Mike Duncan -

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas, Nevada

John Nelson - or Anna Bosco -

North Carolina

North Carolina

Jeff Truex - or Sloan Camsloan@eodhomebuying.compbell -

El Paso, Texas

El Paso, Texas

Todd Wilson -

San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Keily Yemm -

March 15 – Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery – 9 to 11 AM (Please RSVP)

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Lindsay Ruggieri -

Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington

Zach Zalesney -

March 7 –  23 Kitchens, Lacey, WA – 5 PM

Yakima, Washington

Yakima, Washington

Jared Harding -

March 7 – Bill’s Place – 3 PM